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Progress on Landfill in Arcadia

COMANCO Makes Progress on the Liner and Earthwork for a Landfill in Arcadia, Florida. COMANCO’s Superintendents Jeremy Giles and Gerardo Ruiz are making progress on the Liner and Earthwork for a Landfill cell in Arcadia, Florida. The team is currently …

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COMANCO Prevents Groundwater Contamination

COMANCO Prevents Groundwater Contamination By Installing A Geosynthetic System  COMANCO advances installing a geosynthetic system to prevent groundwater contamination in Florida. The team has now completely installed the 50mil super gripnet, followed by synthetic turf and a ballast system of …

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Live From the Field: New Landfill Cell in North Florida

Superintendent Martin Calderon is “Live From the Field” checking in this morning with a soft Florida sunrise reflecting on the Trail Ridge Landfill site.  This week, the COMANCO crew will continue moving forward with GCL, geomembrane, and geocomposite deployment.  Keep …

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