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What IAGI Means to COMANCO


What IAGI Means to COMANCO and Why IAGI is Significant to the Geosynthetics Industry.

IAGI has improved geosynthetics by providing a professional association representing geosynthetic installers and their partners. The goal has always been to advance Geosynthetic installation’s professionalism and provide a central hub for industry information.

Current significant initiatives include:

  1. CWT (certified welding technician) program provides a standardized certification for all geosynthetic welders that engineers and owners across the industry recognize. The training is developed for all geosynthetic materials and highlights the experience and skill of technicians with this certification.
  2. GeoGames – GeoGames is an International competition highlighting the professionalism and importance of installers and welding technicians within the geosynthetic industry. This event is something IAGI puts on with the help of sponsors to show the whole industry what installers have to do daily. This event truly highlights the skill and work that the welding technicians do all the work. 
  3. Best Practices Manual – This is currently in progress but not yet completed. IAGI is putting together a best practices manual to provide standardization to the whole industry and have a guide for other installers to follow when specifications are not provided.

Accredited Installation Contractor

COMANCO has benefitted from being a member of IAGI by having our technicians certified as part of our Employee Training program, being a part of GeoGames to gain some exposure to the rest of the industry, and being an AIC (accredited installation contractor), so we are recognized by a 3rd party entity that we meet specific requirements to be a professional geosynthetic installer.

Evan Bao: IAGI Board Member

Evan Bao, COMANCO’s QAQC Manager, is an IAGI board member. He says, “My first year on the board has been a lot of information sponging and learning more from other industry members. However, the most significant achievement so far is the implementation of more concise rules surrounding GeoGames and bringing in more teams this year to provide an even better experience than what we had in Kansas City in 2023.”

To learn more about IAGI, visit their website at iagi.org or view similar stories on our blog


COMANCO is a leading environmental, commercial, and civil construction company specializing in constructing containment facilities. 

Are you interested in COMANCO’s worldwide impact? Our Geosynthetic installations aid a wide variety of industries across the globe. Explore our services to see how we can help your industry achieve sustainable outcomes. 

4301 Sterling Commerce Dr, Plant City, FL 33566
(813) 638-0116 | www.comanco.com

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