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COMANCO Employees Complete Annual IAGI Certification

COMANCO Employees Complete Annual IAGI Certification Renewal Last week, nine COMANCO employees completed their annual IAGI certification, renewing their certified welder identification. IAGI (the International Association of Geosynthetic Installers) is committed to advancing the geosynthetic industry by promoting the best …

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Let’s Talk Landfills – Solid Waste Solutions

Let’s Talk Landfills: Addressing Common Landfill Questions in a Growing Geosynthetics Market Let’s talk landfills. The demand for sustainable waste management solutions is fueling the geosynthetics market. The global geosynthetics market size was estimated at USD 15.54 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow …

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What IAGI Means to COMANCO

What IAGI Means to COMANCO and Why IAGI is Significant to the Geosynthetics Industry. IAGI has improved geosynthetics by providing a professional association representing geosynthetic installers and their partners. The goal has always been to advance Geosynthetic installation’s professionalism and …

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2023 Geosynthetics Conference

COMANCO Attends the 2023 Geosynthetics Conference Hosted by the Advanced Textiles Association. COMANCO attends the 2023 Geosynthetics Conference hosted by the Advanced Textiles Association in Kansas City, MO. Every two years, ATA invites players from the geosynthetic industry to this event. …

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COMANCO Attends FL SWANA Conference in Naples, FL

Committees from SCS, CDM Smith, and Hallaton joined COMANCO team members in returning to their first in-person conference at the Naples Grande Beach Resort in Naples, FL. The three-day conference was an opportunity for COMANCO founders, engineers, and team members …

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