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COMANCO Installs Geosynthetic Liner for Stormwater Management

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Multiple COMANCO crews, led by supervisor Jonathan Mitchell, have been excavating, lining, and covering a stormwater holding pond, transfer ditch, and two collection ditches as part of a stormwater improvements project at a power plant in Central Florida.

These ponds and ditches are lined with geotextile, HDPE liner, and geocomposite with a protective cover soil over the top, then a fabriform or sod layer installed for erosion control. All these stormwater basins are connected by various HDPE pipe culverts and concrete structures. A reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) access road is currently being constructed adjacent to these areas.

Stormwater management is essential to keep non-contract stormwater runoff separate from contact water and process water so it can be discharged properly. Upon completion, our client will have less contact water to store and treat as the stormwater can now be diverted, stored, and discharged more efficiently.

The COMANCO team has faced a number of challenges in the duration of this project, as the Coronavirus pandemic hit the United States when the team was well underway in their work. Despite any potential setbacks, the crew has not cut any corners and continued to fight through the Florida weather as they near the completion of this job. Quality continues to remain a top priority, proven with zero failed destructive tests on our geosynthetic liner. 

Learn more about our quality assurance destructive testing here!