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COMANCO Helps Make the Transition From Staff to Supervisor


Earlier this week several COMANCO employees from different departments and various levels of management attended a one-day seminar on “Making the Transition from Staff to Supervisor” at the Ramada Airport Westshore, located at 1200 N Westshore Blvd, Tampa, FL 33607.

This leadership seminar, part of Fred Pryor Seminars, was an all-day event from 9 AM to 4 PM. This training covered several topics related to leadership including identifying personal roadblocks to leadership success, how to take on a new position of authority without being domineering, avoiding common pitfalls, how to build trust and gain respect through new relationships, and much more.

According to Fred Pryor Seminars, “Making the Transition from Staff to Supervisor” was specifically designed to address the needs of anyone who is new to supervising and managing others. What they learn there will arm them with a powerful new set of skills, strategies, and techniques for dealing with the issues they will encounter as they take on their new position and move forward in their career.

The training was enjoyed by all COMANCO employees. Their day included lively discussions, question and answer sessions, role-play activities and much more. Project Manager Evan Cline noted that “The content covered in this course will definitely help me be a more efficient manager and leader.”

Thank you to Fred Pryor Seminars for hosting this beneficial event!


Chris Sowers

Jerome Johnson

Jorge Gomez

Evan Cline

Eric Laurent

Adan Loza Solis

Gerardo Ruiz

Alejandro Loza

Justino Macedo

Tommy Terry