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COMANCO Receives Gift from the ‘Red Hills Wounded Warriors’


COMANCO receives a ‘Thank you’ gift from the ‘Red Hills Wounded Warrior Group’. This is a non-profit organization that was originated in 2011 for the benefit of wounded soldiers returning from active duty overseas.  The purpose of this organization is to organize outdoor hunting events with their fellow wounded soldiers that would otherwise not have these opportunities afforded to them. An additional objective is to bring awareness to all our National Heroes that have served our Country so unselfishly and given so much, but to these soldiers in particular that have returned with such severe injuries.

Wounded Warrior Group Photo 2015


The Veterans pictured above consists of young men from the states of Florida, Georgia and Alabama.

If you would like to make a donation to help promote this program, please visit: https://www.redhillswoundedwarrior.com/donate.php.  All donations are to the total benefit of the Wounded Warriors and also tax-deductible.