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COMANCO Crews Begin Work in Central Florida

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Last week, COMANCO crews led by Superintendent Tony Sanchez began work on a stormwater improvement project located in Central Florida.

The crew has already started making improvements to a stormwater ditch and an ash sedimentation pond. Gundseal, a geomembrane-supported geosynthetic clay liner, will be installed along with installing a 50-mil HDPE liner.

HydroTurf® will be installed throughout the ditch and then topped with a cementitious fill called HydroBinder®, resulting in a high-strength concrete matrix. Once completed, this project will protect the groundwater from any ash runoff. It will also provide the client with low maintenance erosion control within the ditch.

In applications such as stormwater improvement, geosynthetics play an essential role. Geosynthetics offer their impermeability and assist in preventing seepage and contamination from underground pollutants. The goal of stormwater improvement projects is to protect our environment, reduce flooding, support healthy streams and rivers, and create healthier, more sustainable communities.

As crews move forward with this project, they will continue to work safely and diligently to reach the end goal, environmental protection. Continue to check the blog for updates on the safe work that our crews are doing on-site!