Meet COMANCO’s new Project Engineer- Mohammad Lutfiyya

We are pleased to introduce one of our latest additions to the Project Management and Operations team at COMANCO- Mohammad Lutfiyya, Project Engineer. Mohammad graduated from the University of South Florida with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and …

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Supervisors Celebrating Employee Accomplishments

Here are the COMANCO Supervisors celebrating accomplishments of the COMANCO employees: Julie Hughes – Fleet Supervisor, and Arnulfo Martinez- Field Superintendent, present Employee Anniversary certificates and gift cards to the employees they mentor and supervise. Justin Grenke-Liner Equipment Technician, and …

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COMANCO Employees Earn a High Praise from a Customer

  Our Thanks and Congratulations to Christine Thomas, Clay Lung and Larry Holmes for receiving a high praise from our Customer, a large waste management company: “I knew you all were good as everyone always tells me, but seeing it …

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Time Management and Scheduling Training

We are in the midst of a busy construction season at COMANCO and it’s more important than ever, during the busy times, to practice good time-management and planning skills. As part of the COMANCO’s professional development program;  Operations, Fleet and office …

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Continuous Performance Improvement

At COMANCO we strive to create a work environment where our employees can do their best. On a regular basis COMANCO managers and supervisors meet with the employees to discuss ideas and provide on-going constructive feedback: what is going great …

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