Jorge Gomez Ruiz Celebrates 11 Years of SERVICE

COMANCO is proud to congratulate Jorge Gomez Ruiz, a Superintendent with COMANCO, who celebrated 11 years in April. Fun Facts about Jorge: Favorite Pizza Topping: Does not like Pizza, Seafood is his favorite Favorite Sport: Loves to ride horses What was something …

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COMANCO: Safety Act in Florida’s Hot Temperatures

From Safety Department Today, we want to showcase our COMANCO Superintendent, Jorge Gomez Ruiz, Gerardo Ruiz, and Foreman, Pablo Medina. They were observed committing a SAFETY ACT this month! While completing a landfill project in Southwest Florida, both gentlemen completed an outstanding safety …

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COMANCO Recognizes Our Crew Members

Employees used their “Right to Stop Work” as soon as they discovered the conditions had changed in their work area and it presented a potential hazard to them.  Our Superintendent stopped work after being notified by the crew;  with the …

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