Leodan Gutierrez Earns Promotion

COMANCO’s Leadon Gutierrez Earns Promotion to Equipment Technician Congratulations to COMANCO’s Leodan Gutierrez on his well-deserved promotion to Equipment Technician! Leodan’s dedication to safety and teamwork makes him a valuable asset to the COMANCO Team. Additionally, his positive relationships with …

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Dady Shabani Earns Promotion

COMANCO’s Dady Shabani Earns Promotion to Lead QA/QC Technician Congratulations to COMANCO’s Dady Shabani on his well-deserved promotion to Lead QA/QC Technician! Dady’s dedication to safety and teamwork and his commitment to educating fellow team members make him a valuable …

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Jorge Barrantes Earns Promotion

COMANCO’s Jorge Barrantes Earns Promotion to Employee Development Specialist Congratulations to COMANCO’s Jorge Barrantes on his well-deserved promotion to Employee Development Specialist! Jorge’s journey from Superintendent in 2008 to this new role is a testament to his hard work and …

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Michael Taylor Earns Promotion

COMANCO’s Michael Taylor Earns Promotion to Sr. Project Manager Congratulations to COMANCO’s Michael Taylor for his recent promotion to Sr. Project Manager! Michael’s consistent dedication, positive attitude, and remarkable work ethic have set him apart since joining the company in …

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Shujwana Lamy Earns Promotion

COMANCO’s Shujwana Lamy Earns Promotion to Employee Development Coordinator Congratulations to COMANCO’s Shujwana Lamy on her promotion to Employee Development Coordinator! Over the past two years, Shujwana has proven to be a dedicated and essential member of the HR Team. …

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FMI: Emerging Managers Institute

COMANCO Employees Attend FMI’s Emerging Managers Institute COMANCO has again joined forces with FMI by sending a select group of team members to attend their Emerging Managers Institute. Attendees practiced team building, communication, and problem-solving skills for three days. FMI programs like …

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Sam Smith Earns Promotion

COMANCO’s Sam Smith Earns Promotion to Sr. Fleet Technician Congratulations to COMANCO’s Sam Smith on his well-deserved promotion to Sr. Fleet Service Technician! Sam has consistently demonstrated unparalleled dedication, a positive attitude, and a remarkable work ethic since joining the …

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COMANCO’s Annual Maintenance Training

COMANCO’s Annual Maintenance Training: Ensuring a Safe and Secure Workforce Optimizing productivity and safety at COMANCO is a top priority as we kick off 2024. To ensure our workforce operates safely, COMANCO schedules Annual Maintenance Training. These comprehensive sessions act …

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Alonso Gudino Earns Promotion

Alonso Gudino Earns Promotion to Liner Technician at COMANCO. COMANCO congratulates Alonso Gudino, who recently earned a promotion to Liner Technician! Alosno’s dedication, hard work, and commitment to excellence over the past year have not gone unnoticed. His positive attitude, …

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