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Noe Hernandez Cruz Earns a Promotion


COMANCO’s Noe Hernandez Cruz Earns a Promotion to Liner Technician

We are delighted to announce that Noe Hernandez Cruz Earns a Promotion to Liner Technician. Noe has been a valuable team member since his hire date in July 2022. We are thrilled to see his growth within the company in such a short time.

At COMANCO, we pride ourselves on providing opportunities for our employees to learn and develop new skills, and Noe is a shining example of this. He has consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic and an eagerness to learn. We are confident that he will continue to excel in his new role.

One of the things that Noe appreciates most about working for COMANCO is the support he receives from his crew. He values the time they take to help him learn and grow, and teamwork and camaraderie make our company culture so unique.

In his free time, Noe loves nothing more than spending time with his family on the weekends. We believe that a healthy work-life balance is essential for our employees’ well-being, and we are thrilled to see Noe thriving on and off the job.

Congratulations, Noe, on your well-deserved promotion! We are grateful to have you on our team and look forward to seeing all you will achieve in your new role.

Join our team and set your sights on achieving new goals. With us, you’ll have the tools, resources, and support to make your dreams a reality. 


COMANCO is an environmental, commercial, and civil construction company specializing in constructing containment of facilities.

Moreover, we constantly seek new, more efficient ways to provide Safe and Quality Service to our customers. As a result, we are the nation’s leading service provider to the geosynthetics marketplace.

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