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James Kile Continues His Training

COMANCOs James Kile Continues His Training As A Georgia Utility Foreman.

James Kile continues his training as a Georgia Utility Foreman. In every industry, continued education is crucial, and the construction sector is no exception, especially in hazardous jobs like excavation and confined space work. Altogether, keeping up with the latest safety regulations and best practices is essential to ensure workers’ safety and project success.

At COMANCO, one of our top priorities is investing in the professional development of our employees. We encourage our team members to use training opportunities to take advantage of training opportunities to advance their skills and knowledge. James Kile, one of our skilled foremen, is a prime example of this commitment to continued education.

James Kile shows his dedication to keeping his Georgia Utility Foreman License current, which requires 16 hours of classes. To meet this requirement, he is taking Competent Person Excavation and Competent Person Confined Space classes in April 2023. These classes will equip James with the latest techniques, tools, and safety regulations for successful utility installation projects.

The Georgia Utility Contractors Association provides these classes, an organization committed to promoting and supporting the utility construction industry. Also, the training they provide is designed to improve the skills and knowledge of professionals in the industry and keep them up to date with the latest industry standards.

Additionally, at COMANCO, we are proud of James Kile’s commitment to professional development and believe it is vital to our success. We recognize that continued education helps us to maintain a competitive edge in the industry while ensuring the safety of our employees and the quality of our projects.

Join our team and set your sights on achieving new goals. With us, you’ll have the tools, resources, and support to make your dreams a reality.


COMANCO is an environmental, commercial, and civil construction company specializing in constructing containment of facilities.

Therefore, we constantly seek new, more efficient ways to provide Safe and Quality Service to our customers. As a result, we are the nation’s leading service provider to the geosynthetics marketplace.

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