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COMANCO Liner Project at East Tennessee Landfill

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Superintendent Martin Calderon and crew have been grinding away at their most recent project, the lining of a landfill cell in East Tennessee.

The COMANCO crew led by Superintendent Martin Calderon completed a Liner project at a landfill cell in East Tennessee. The liner project consisted of installing a two-layer geosynthetic system, including a special 60 mil conductive textured HDPE liner followed by a 300 mil double-sided geocomposite. This special conductive material has a unique design that allows for an electric current to flow through to give precise leak locations. Overall the crew installed over 200,000 SF of 60 mil conductive textured HDPE liner and over 200,000 SF of geocomposite. This is another job well done and successful completion for COMANCO.

Thank you, Martin and crew, for all the hard work. We can’t do it without you!