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COMANCO Frontline Meeting Held at Streamsong Resort

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In addition to COMANCO’s Annual Manager’s Meeting last week, COMANCO also held the December Frontline Meeting at the beautiful Streamsong Resort in Bowling Green, Florida.

As part of this special event, COMANCO invited Bart Gragg, Founder of Blue Collar University®, to speak at the event.   Bart is a professional speaker and consultant who works with business leaders in blue-collar industries to work more effectively with their managers and supervisors.  He is also the author of two books on the subject, “They’re Managers – Now What?” How to Develop Blue Collar Managers and Supervisors (Nov 2018) and “Cracking the Manager Code: 11 Traits of Effective Managers and Supervisors” (Spring, 2019).   Bart’s message included the importance of being a manager, employee engagement, communication, planning, decision making, motivation, and safety.  And the quote of the day was, ‘Leadership is not Doer-ship.’  The attendees for the event were engaged in the presentation, and everyone expressed how appreciative they were to have a thoughtful and experienced leader speak at the event.

The day continued with a presentation from HR Generalist Amanda Hosmer and Construction Manager Ryan Van Hall, which focused on employee performance reviews and employee retention.  Vice President and Sr. Estimator John Jacobs shared his knowledge with understanding estimates in HCSS HeavyBid, followed by informative presentations from Safety, Operations, and QC.  The day wrapped up with a Foreman’s Forum, which provided the supervisors with an opportunity to address the issues they experience in the field.

We want to thank Bart Gragg, all our presenters, and our Field Supervisors for the valuable information we shared and learned at this event.  Thank you!