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COMANCO Completes Coal Ash Landfill Expansion in North Central FL


COMANCO Environmental has completed construction of a 5-acre coal ash landfill expansion in Palatka, FL at the Seminole Generating Station. The site had to be stripped, cleared & grubbed, balanced out with cut & fill operations and fill had to be imported in to reach a liner design sub-grade elevation.

A 5 layer geosynthetic system – GCL, primary & secondary 60-mil HDPE geomembrane, primary & secondary double-sided geocomposite – was then installed. 2’ of clean protective cover soil was then placed over the liner system followed by sod. In addition, 2 leachate collection HDPE pipes (wrapped in gravel & geotextile) were installed over the liner and tied into the adjacent, active cell.

Superintendent, Bill Newman, and Foreman, Jorge Gomez, did a great job keeping the crews on task and finished on schedule while maintaining COMANCO’s valued safety culture.

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