Training Is Now In Session

COMANCO Employees attended classes early in  July for Task Training. MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Administration) requires employees to be Task Trained on all tasks being performed while on a Mine site. The training for each new task includes safe work …

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Forward Landfill Progress

The Forward Landfill crew has completed a good portion of the lower and upper slope work on the project in the past week. The geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) and 60-mil single sided textured high density polyethylene (HDPE) liner has been …

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Forward Landfill Has Just Begun

The Forward Landfill liner job located in Manteca, California has just started this week. This project has multiple benches and differing slope grades for the COMANCO team to install over. There is geosynthetic clay liner (GCL), 60-mil single-sided textured high …

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Fort Knox Project Update

The liner project for a heap leach pad in Fairbanks, Alaska has progressed a great deal in the past couple of weeks. The low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) 80-mil liner and geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) are starting to cover a large portion of the …

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Coffin Butte Oregon Landfill Construction

Liner installation has begun at the Coffin Butte Landfill in Oregon. The installation includes a nine-layer installation on the slopes. These layers consist of: geotextile separator, tertiary 60-mil double-sided textured high density polyethylene (HDPE) liner, double-sided geocomposite, secondary 40-mil double-sided …

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New Entrant Miner Training

Even during a short holiday week, COMANCO’s commitment to Safety & Training does not stop. COMANCO held a 3-day class for MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Administration) New Entrant Miner training July 1-3, 2013. This class was attended by several …

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COMANCO Store is Now Open!

COMANCO is proud to extend its brand to all COMANCO employees. You can place your order with our HR department in person, by phone or online. Your inquiry will be processed and you will be contacted regarding the details of …

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