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Becoming Skid Steer Certified

COMANCO Employees Complete Training, Becoming Skid Steer Certified Because COMANCO continues to build upon our legacy of SAFETY, QUALITY, and SERVICE, we continuously schedule employee training. We are proud to announce that the second equipment training for 2023 is complete.  …

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Virtual Leadership Seminar

Employees Attended a Successful Virtual Leadership Seminar, Courtesy of Breslin Strategies Inc.  Last week, COMANCO employees attended a virtual leadership seminar, “Building a Growth Mindset and a Professional Identity,” with public speaker Mark Breslin. Mark Breslin, CEO of Breslin Strategies Inc., …

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COMANCO Completes GPS Training

COMANCO Completes GPS Training with SiTECH COMANCO completes GPS training with SiTech. This February, twenty COMANCO employees took a deeper dive into technology by participating in heavy equipment GPS training. The day started with classroom lectures, studying operational manuals, and working …

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Live Fire Extinguisher Training

Fleet Hosts Live Fire Extinguisher Training Session COMANCO’s Fleet department hosts an annual live fire extinguisher training session. These live demonstrations refresh all office personnel on fire extinguisher safety, help them locate a fire extinguisher quickly, and ultimately give them …

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COMANCO Demobilizes Completed Project

COMANCO Demobilizes Another Completed Containment Project COMANCO demobilizes another completed containment project in Central Florida. With the new partial cell fully lined, COMANCO has finished a new safe disposal site for future waste. Materials used by our crew include Geosynthetic …

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Success Stories From ETP

COMANCO’s Employees Share Their Success Stories from ETP (Employee Training Program) Employees share their success stories from ETP. COMANCO is excited to see results after launching ETP (Employee Training Program) in 2022. ETP prioritizes the development of our employees so …

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COMANCO Gets The Liner Rolling

COMANCO Gets the Liner Rolling at Newly Redesigned Sanitary Collection Cell After completing the Redesign Stage at a new sanitary collection cell in Central Florida, COMANCO is finally ready to get the liner rolling. Though the redesign initially stalled the …

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