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UPDATE: COMANCO Completes Midwest Storm Water Remediation Project near St. Louis



COMANCO finished up its storm water remediation project this week in the Midwest near St. Louis, MO.  Superintendent Jeremiah Stockwell and Foreman Thomas Terry lead the five man crew to complete this project within its original deadline, battling the weather the whole way.


The crew did a great job preserving their work throughout construction by protecting its excavation areas with plastic cover each night to avoid reworking the graded canal due to rain events. The crew was able to excavate and re-grade 350 cubic yards of grass and soil, remove and replace several loads of existing rip rap around a non-functional outlet basin, install of 250 square yards of sod over newly graded storm water runoff ditch, and install sprinkler system components.

Excellent job guys, battling the elements and producing quality work as COMANCO always does.