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North Florida COMANCO Crew Prepares for Liner Installation


This morning, a crew in North Florida began preparation for a large HDPE liner and drain installation project.  Superintendent Leroy Smith and the 15-man crew started the day with an in-depth safety meeting.  Site-specific concerns, liner installation hazards, and mitigation techniques were discussed.  Immediately following the safety meeting, the entire crew performed a site-walk, to familiarize themselves with the work area and hazards that are present.

On Thursday, liner installation is expected to begin.  The project consists of installing 250 acres (nearly 11 million square feet) of 60-mil textured HDPE liner.  Underneath the liner, double-sided Geocomposite vent strips are placed on a 200’ grid.  Once the liner is installed, Trader Construction will place a 2’ cover.  COMANCO will then install nearly 35,000 feet of drains, using HDPE pipe.

Stay tuned for updates as COMANCO and Trader Construction team up to provide a quality product, while keeping safety as the main priority.