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COMANCO: Got Water to Put Out Your Fire?


This past week, with ALL HANDS ON DECK, COMANCO employees began working at a chemical plant in northern Florida to provide water storage for a fire pond.  To start the project, a specialized Chemical Safety Training and a thorough Team Safety Meeting were held, followed by a site walk-through will all employees. Project Engineer James Kile pointed out potential hazards with “SimOPS,” Simultaneous Operations, with other contractors. Project Superintendent Arnulfo Martinez also explained to all employees; they have Stop Work Authority and the importance of implementing it for any unsafe task observed, as needed. When observed, work is to be stopped and migrated to the lowest risk level as possible so no one gets hurt and no property/equipment damage occurs.

The crew finishes the project on time with no incidents with a very satisfied customer.

COMANCO appreciates the effort and dedication of all its team members! Keep up the great work of providing SAFE, QUALITY, SERVICE to all of our customers!