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FIFA World Cup Interview with Vice President of COMANCO


In anticipation of the FIFA World Cup, Vice President Dragan Milolsavljevic wears the Croatia flag proudly around COMANCO. Dragan, a native of Croatia, sat down with Marketing for an impromptu interview regarding this Sunday’s match against France.

Q: When did you first begin to love soccer?

A: It must have been elementary school or even sooner. I mean growing up in Croatia you are born and raised to love, watch, and play soccer. I can remember as a young kid playing soccer in the yard. I think it was the first sport I ever played. I was maybe 3 or 4.

Q: What does getting to the finals mean to you? What does it mean for Croatia?

A: This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I am filled with excitement and anticipation for the match. For Croatia, this is a big deal. It means more notoriety for my country. More people are talking about Croatia then ever before. In the last three days, I’ve seen ten articles on it. The PR benefit is overwhelming.

Q: Is Croatia going to win?

A: Of course they will!

COMANCO wishes both teams the best of luck in the FIFA World Cup this Sunday at 11 AM.