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COMANCO SAFETY: Confined Space Safety


From the Desk of COMANCO’s Safety and HR Coordinator, Cindy Reed:

Being able to safely retrieve an injured employee out of a confined space is crucial at a time of emergency.  Planning ahead is essential to ensure it can be accomplished without any delays when it matters most.  Equipment used must be adequate for the conditions of the rescue.

At the North Central Landfill in Polk County, Florida, we chose to use a Trench Shield Davit Arm that can be easily mounted directly to the shield wall or trench box wall at the right location with proper access to the trench. A mechanical winch attaches on the Davit Arm and the hook end connects to the harness worn by employees inside the trench.  Always ensure you address your entry and the conditions of the site and to use the right tool for the job to ensure it will be completed safely even in an emergency.