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COMANCO Benefits Open Enrollment begins today!

Dear COMANCO Employees and Families:

COMANCO Benefits Open Enrollment begins today!

It is very important for each employee to call the Benefits Call center or login to the Benefits Website between 02/09 – 02/20. Spouses and children don’t have to call- only employees need to call or login by 02/20 and confirm selected benefits.

Employees and their dependents have 2 weeks to decide which benefits they want to keep or change. All requested changes will be effective 03/01/15.

All COMANCO employees received Open Enrollment instructions last week with the Call center’s phone number and the Benefits website address. If you need a copy, please contact Lucy or Natalia in HR.

We believe that you will be pleased with 2015 benefits selections, Company-paid life and disability insurance, and affordable weekly premiums COMANCO offers!