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COMANCO Advances on Gypstack Closure Despite Weather Battles

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Muddy roads and short days have plagued four projects at a project in Central Florida because of daily afternoon thunderstorms for several months. Extra resources have been put to maintaining roads to continue construction operations.

It also is cause for additional safety protocols. Hauling thousands of cubic yards of materials up and down a grade is tricky business when the roads become slippery, and the ruts run deep. COMANCO has continued to make progress even through the seasonal adversity. The 96-acre pond on top of the stack is nearing half of its completion.

Dewatering of the gypsum continues as heavy equipment rough grades, compacts, and finish grades the pond’s bottom before the liner crew covers it. Soil cover has begun to cover the liner as well on the top of the stack and is nearing completion on the channels around the stack. Even when the weather is sometimes dreary, everyone in the crew maintaining COMANCO’s upbeat, safety first, teamwork culture is what has been driving our success at this project.