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COMANCO Attends McElroy University for Training


From the desk of COMANCO’s Safety and HR Coordinator, Cindy Reed:

COMANCO’s Superintendent Nathan Wilfong, Foreman Kenny Frazier, Equipment Operator Segundo Alvarez, Foreman Pedro Beltran and Forman Justino Macedo are currently attending Pipe Fusion training at the McElroy University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The McElroy University operator qualification classes help students of all levels to develop and refine fusion skills on McElroy equipment.

The pipe fusion process associated with McElroy fusion machines is a widely accepted process that joins two pieces of thermoplastic pipe together with heat and pressure. This process is commonly associated with a high-density polyethylene pipe (HDPE). However, their machines are capable of fusing and welding a variety of different pipe types and sizes.

McElroy Certified instructors train students on new techniques that are governed by specific industry standards. With an instructional mix of 30% classroom and 70% hands-on, students learn the basic mechanics of machine operations and the theory behind it for an overall understanding. This 2-week training makes the course challenging and adds value which will continue to improve our employees knowledge and productivity in the field.  This group of employees started their training last Monday and will complete the class this Friday.

Training is crucial to organizational development and success, and we benefit when our employees continue to become more efficient and productive

For more information on McElroy University, please visit: https://www.mcelroy.com/


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