COMANCO & Operation Outdoor Freedom

Operation Outdoor Freedom is a program of the Friends of Florida State Forests that provides unique hunting opportunities for wounded veterans on Florida’s state forests. Operation Outdoor Freedom depends 100% on donations and support from local c…

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Advanced Driving Class

COMANCO’s commitment to safety far exceeds the jobsite. Driving Dynamics held our third advanced defensive driving course on Saturday, August 11. The training is offered to all COMANCO approved drivers. To date we have had 57 employees participate…

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ENR The Top 200

COMANCO once again made an appearance as one of the top 200 environmental firms at number 129! For a complete list check out

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Republic Vasco Road Landfill In Progress

COMANCO Crew has completed the installation of 230,000 SF of 40 Mil HDPE Textured geomembrane on the slopes and begun placing Geosynthetic Clay Liner & 80 Mil HDPE Textured geomembrane over the 40 Mil. To date there has been no incident onsite.Gre…

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COMANCO Celebrates Safe Work Milestone

COMANCO celebrated its continuing pursuit of a safe work environment yesterday with a safety lunch provided by CF Industries. The CF Plant City Phase II Gypstack Expansion Project reached 105,402 Safe Man-Hours since the project started back up in…

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