MSHA New Miner Training

A group of newly hired employees began an MSHA New Miner Training course today at COMANCO.   The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) requires any newly employed, inexperienced miner to complete a 24 hour training prior to working at any …

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COMANCO Environmental Completes Arizona Landfill

COMANCO has wrapped up geosynthetic deployment at a landfill located south of Phoenix, Arizona. COMANCO installed approximately 320,000 SF of 60-mil double-sided (DS) textured high density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembrane and geosynthetic clay liner (GCL). We also installed roughly 267,000 of 200-mil single sided geocomposite. This project …

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COMANCO Completes Pump Station

COMANCO recently completed the welding of a HDPE lined concrete pump station near central Florida. The project consisted of supplying and welding approximately 2,600 SF of concrete protective liner (5mm HDPE SureGrip) in a new pump station. All panel seams and …

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