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COMANCO: 2018 HCSS Users Group Meeting: Round 2


The HCSS Users Group Meeting has proven over the years to be an effective 4-day training experience across multiple departments at COMANCO. This week, we sent seven additional employees to this event which was held in the heart of downtown Houston. The feedback thus far has been great, and the team is excited to implement some new ideas to streamline their current processes. Not only did the team take away some valuable tips, but this was also an opportunity for COMANCO employees to spend some quality time with their co-workers outside of the Corporate office.

Pictured from left to Right: Vice President John Jacobs, Estimator Scotty Martone, Estimator Ben Chitester, Jr. Estimator Mohammad Lutfiyya, Estimator Brian Jarrell, and Training Coordinator David Taylor.

In addition, Estimator Scotty Martone was lucky enough to get a photo with US Congressman, Jim Jordon who represents Ohio’s 4th District!