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COMANCO Making Progress on a Project in Pocatello, Idaho

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A COMANCO crew led by Supervisor Carlos Garcia continues making progress on a project out West in Pocatello, Idaho. This project consists of geosynthetics installation in two ponds.

More than 500 LF of batten bar was installed in two concrete stations and two sizeable concrete base water tanks in the East and West ponds.

Both systems included a 60 mil HDPE textured liner throughout the intricate designs. Overall, the COMANCO crew installed over 100,000 SF of geosynthetics for both ponds.

While the crew was onsite, they were able to help the customer by performing some repair work at a few other areas in the large facility. The repairs were to ensure no leaks in liner applications.

Keeping safety in mind, the crew successfully completed this project with zero incidents.

Keep up the good work, team.