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Wellness Wednesday: Taking Care of Your Allergies

Today’s Wellness information is brought to you by United Healthcare.


Many people have allergies and symptoms often include sneezing and sniffles. You also may have a stuffy nose. Your eyes may be itchy or watery. A common cause of allergy symptoms is from exposure to pollen from grass, flowers, or trees.  How can you find relief?

Pollen allergies

  • Keep windows closed. Use air-conditioning when you can. Change filters often.
  • After being outdoors, take a bath or shower, wash your hair and change your clothes. Don’t hang clothes, sheets or towels outside to dry.
  • If you have outdoor pets, pollen can get on their fur, so bathe them often if they come indoors.

Home care tips when allergies hit

  • Drink adequate amounts of fluids each day.
  • Avoid smoke and other things that make you feel worse.
  • When you lie down, keep your head raised on pillows. It will help your sinuses drain.
  • Ask your doctor about taking medicine. If it’s OK, take it when you first start to have symptoms. Don’t wait until you feel really bad. Some allergy medicines should be taken before exposure to allergens, if possible.

Talk with your doctor about other steps you can take. Find out what’s best for you. Remember, CARE24 is available to answer your health questions 24 hours a day seven days a week. Visit www.myuhc.com or Call 1-888-887-4114.

Happy Wellness Wednesday! Keep an eye on the blog next week for more wellness tips!