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COMANCO Completes Pond & Ditch Liner Project


COMANCO recently completed a liner project in Central Florida that began in 2012.  The work consisted of the lining of 3 ponds and a ditch that totaled approximately 1,000,000 SF of 40 mil textured HDPE liner.  The crew also put in 350,000 SF of geocomposite for a venting system under the liner.  COMANCO worked closely with the earthwork contractor to complete different phases throughout the life of this project, and the last bit of work completed was the lining of the southern-most portions of the ditch.

The job finished with zero safety incidents and was led by Project Superintendent Jorge Barrantes, Project Leadman Larry Thomas, Senior Project Engineer Nick Bridges, Project Engineer Mohammad Lutfiyya, and Project Manager Dragan Milosavljevic.