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And They Did It!

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COMANCO Liner Crew Finishes Install at Central Florida Chemical Plant. Job well done to COMANCO Superintendent Larry Graham and his crew on a successful finish.

Project Manager Jayme Harris says, “So proud of this crew that battled until the last day and last panel of this 40 acres 60 mil install as they worked through and against extreme heat, lightening stand-downs and rain delays. As pictured, the crew standing tall at the end of their project, allowing for the remaining few acres to get the protective cover over the liner.”

The liner crew will now join the earthwork side of this project to assist with the installation of stabilization drains, drain outlets, and fabriform. Superintendents Jeremy Giles and Scott Hall are driving our crews to safely meet our project scheduled July completion date for all remaining activities also to include reinforced berm, high strength liner install, starter dike, and gravel toe drains.

Incredible work, COMANCO crew!