COMANCO Welcomes 5 New Field Employees!

This week, we are welcoming and training 5 new field employees! Shelvon Brooks is joining the team as an Operator. Timothy Gardner is joining the team as a QA/QC Technician. German Lopez-Lopez and Herminio Barrios are also joining the team as QA/QC Technicians and were referred to …

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Pressure Washing Safety at COMANCO

COMANCO realizes that cleanliness is a key component of Safety, Quality , and Service. This attitude not only applies to job sites but to the COMANCO campus as well. Seen here, Pascual Hernandez is seen pressure washing the entry way …

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COMANCO Takes Job Site Safety Very Serious

Not only must superintendents pay extremely close attention to environmental conditions and changes in planning, but they also have to adjust to personnel changes. While all COMANCO field technicians are skilled in their craft, there are some that have received …

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